
Watching - January 2023

Meet Cute (2022)
I chose this on Amazon Prime (thanks for the free subscription guys) because it was a time-travelling romantic comedy and I kind of like those. There's an obvious comparison with (and heavy debt to) Groundhog Day, but little of the development or, frankly, comedy. Sheila (the time traveller) just seems to make the same mistakes again and again, and get fed up with them. I was waiting for some sort of twist with Gary (the other character) revealing that he's also a time traveller, but that doesn't happen (not exactly anyway). They finally sort themselves out but we don't see what happens after - which is annoying, because logically speaking, going by the rules explained in the film, the time loop should completely unwind again, so actually it might not end up happily.
Trading Places (1983)
I can't quite believe this is forty years old! A bit broad-brush in places (and of course just racist and sexist in others - there's a warning before the film in case anyone should feel like being offended) but still basically very funny. Ripe for a remake?
Palm Springs (2020)
Yet another time-loop concept (turns out there's loads), with plenty of familiar concepts but a more modern take and some nice new ideas. It's a romcom, so we know it's going to end happily, but it's a good story and there's plenty of laugh out loud moments. Recommended (although not if you're squeamish or easily offended).
Fisherman's Friends (2020)
Only "based on the true life story" of Fisherman's Friends in the loosest sense, as presumably the real story was considered too dull. Instead what we get is an odd mix of fact and fiction, which feels like the industry standard number of dramatic elements (love interest, a death, dramatic break up etc) has been added to tick the right boxes. In fairness, it mostly does: the result is an enjoyably light drama that has some of the same feel as the classic Local Hero, and made an ideal Sunday afternoon film.
Naked (2017)
Perhaps I went a bit too deep into the list of time loop films. This is predictable stuff and has the usual dénouement: man learns about himself and how to love, and makes lots of new friends along the way. But they've only known him an hour or two, so what are they all doing in the final scene? Very average.
Local Hero (1983)
I thought Fisherman's Friends reminded me of this film, but after watching it again I realise that this is by far the superior film. It has a beautiful sense of place and a lovely whimsical tone. Great stuff.

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